Flipkart Personal Loan Information
A personal loan is like getting money directly transferred to your savings account.
You can use this loan to pay for various things like weddings, education, home renovation, travel, medical expenses, and even for managing your everyday needs. It’s a convenient way to get the funds you need when you need them.
Flipkart is offering a fully digital journey for you to apply for Personal Loan.
1.You just need to have your PAN card number with you.
2. Set-up KYC ( Aadhaar Number will be required ).
3. Setup auto repayment – Keep your account details like account number , net banking or debit card details handy.
4. And Your done….. Loan if approved will be credited in you bank account post successful completion of KYC.
A personal loan is like getting money directly deposited into your savings account.
You can use this loan to cover various expenses, such as weddings, education, home renovations, and travel.
Below is the example for the product value ₹10,999 with No Cost EMI and Regular EMI
In Below form add details about Price, Interest rate and Month to calculate monthly EMI.
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No, you don’t have to provide any security/ collateral to avail Personal loan.
Personal Loan interest rates are very competitive. The charges. For more details you can refer interest rate charges.