Flipkart EMI Options Updated [2019]

Flipkart offer EMI on?minimum order value offer ?4,000.

EMI Charges and Interest rate as on 11-06-2018


Flipkart EMI Options
Months 3 6 9 12 18 24 36
Axis 12% 12% 13% 13% 15% 15% 15%
Citi 13% 13% 15% 15% 15% 15% 15%
HDFC 13% 13% 14% 14% 15% 15%
HSBC 12% 12% 13% 13%
ICICI 13% 13% 13% 13% 14% 14% 15%
INDUSIND 13% 13% 13% 13% 15% 15%
KOTAK 12% 12% 14% 14% 15% 15%
RBL 14% 14% 14% 15% 15% 16%
SBI 14% 14% 14% 14%
SC 13% 13% 14% 14% 15% 15%
Amex 12% 12% 12% 12%
Yes Bank 12% 12% 13% 13%


Please follow these steps to avail EMI on Flipkart

If you are looking for No Cost EMI and Bajaj EMI??follow this guide How to buy using No Cost EMI.

Credit Card EMI option.

  • Choose the bank and plan (3, 6, 9 or 12-month) of your choice and enter your credit card details.
  • Please note that the full amount will be charged on your card the day of the transaction. On next billing cycle you pay 1st EMI.
  • ?Please note that this option is available only when the cart contains items from a single seller.
  • There is NO processing fee charged for availing Flipkart’s EMI payment option. On return or exchange, interest charged by the bank till that time will not be refunded by Flipkart.
The table below shows a representative rendering of EMI plans for a Rs 20,000 purchase on Flipkart paid using the EMI payment plan
Tenure (months) Loan amount Monthly installment Bank interest rate Total effective price you pay Interest paid to Bank
3 Rs 20,000 Rs 6,800.44 12.00% Rs. 20,401.33 Rs. 401.33
6 Rs 20,000 Rs 3,450.97 12.00% Rs 20,705.80 Rs. 705.80
9 Rs 20,000 Rs 2,344.32 13.00% Rs 21,098.89 Rs. 1,098.89
12 Rs 20,000 Rs 1,786.35 13.00% Rs 21,436.15 Rs. 1,436.15



452 responses to “Flipkart EMI Options Updated [2019]”

  1. if the product cost is 13K and I choose EMI option and after that is it possible to pay 7K in advanced for first EMI and after that on remaining amount they can charge on outstanding amount i.e 6k.
    whether they will change my EMI amount

    1. There is no such option available to pay advance EMI.And convert remaining amount to EMI.

      One option is that, after EMI conversion.
      For 9 month EMI example is 1000Rs per month is EMI so add 3000 rs credit to your credit card and you don’t have to worry remembering payment for three months.

      Please note above option can be done from Bank Website or Internet banking not flipkart. and also you cant get away with interest even if you pay in advance 🙂

      Connect with your bank which provide Credit Card.

      1. Manan ghai Avatar
        Manan ghai

        Is there emi option for debit card?

        1. No

          1. Nikitha Avatar

            For example i hve credit card amount 5000 n my product amount is 10000 then i can buy or not in emi

    2. Kurapati Sai kumar Avatar
      Kurapati Sai kumar


      1. lakhansingh Avatar

        i have no cridid card on net banking

    3. Emiall

  2. Bought products worth Rs 10,119 on SBI EMI offer (3 months), got instant cashback of Rs1,250, paid Rs 8,869. Now returned a product worth Rs 650 from the same order. What what will be the consequences?

    1. Thats kind a tricky.. Hope you can keep the cashback. as it was directly given by the bank ,not Flikart. Do update comment how much did you get back after return.

  3. r.mahesh Avatar

    suppose I purchase 7000 cost mobile I can choose 12 momths emi option how much I pay 1st month

    1. It depends on interest rate from bank. you have to pay equal EMI through out 12 months.

  4. I plan to buy 10thousand mobile phone on emi how much amt wil be debit my acc

    1. You can directly view on website itself please follow this step http://emi-offers.in/flipkart/how-to-pay-emi-on-flipkart/

  5. If the seller is different the emi is not applicable

    1. It depends on seller.

  6. 2524theloser Avatar

    if a buy a phone of 6999/-
    I choose option of 12 months EMI
    I Chosse HDFC bank whose monthly instalment is 625/-
    Then my first payment would be 625/- ????
    I mean to ask that is thera any downpayment ???
    Do reply as soon as possible

    1. Yes your first payment will be 625Rs,
      There is no down payment for EMI. Hope this helps.

      1. 2524theloser Avatar

        Thaanks Very much

      2. if a buy a phone of 9999/-
        I choose option of 12 months EMI
        I Chosse SBI bank whose monthly instalment is 898/-
        Then my first payment would be 898 /- ????

        1. if you have sbi credit card .. then yes 898 for 12months

    2. surya Avatar

      what model purches u

  7. I don’t have a credit card so what’s the way out. If I want to buy a phone above 20000.

    1. Currently for online Store credit card require for EMI. For offline you can opt for Bajaj Easy Finance at Electronic store like Vijay Sales and Chroma.

  8. Ankush Singh Avatar
    Ankush Singh

    i just want to ask that how i use EMI service from flipkart
    because i am confused.
    as i want to buy a pair of shoes of puma then what will be the procedure of EMI service.
    please let me know as soon as possible

    1. Hello, Here is step-by-step guide “How to buy on EMI flipkart” http://emi-offers.in/flipkart/how-to-pay-emi-on-flipkart/

  9. Gaurav Arora Avatar
    Gaurav Arora

    Admin dont chat in english if u dnt know how to.website kch aur info de rhi hai aur tu kch aur.gavaar log.

    1. This site just provide information.. this is not official website for Flipkart EMI. You can always connect them via Customer Care.

  10. Only SBI,HDFC,Icici,bank creditcards can be used for this emi facility. Or all bank credit cards are acceptable?

    1. Follow this steps. See if your bank is listed for EMI. http://emi-offers.in/flipkart/how-to-pay-emi-on-flipkart/

  11. Cart contains items from a single seller..Please explain this..

    1. Did not get your point.

  12. praveen Avatar

    Sir , I have FD credit card , limited 16k so if need to take a t.v of 34k , shall I be processed to book in emi options , so that I can pay first 3 mnths emi along with processing fees , is that can be processed. Plz gv me suggestion.

    1. As per my knowledge if your credit limit is 16k, then you can buy only item worth Rs.16k for EMI without any outstanding bill.
      Connect with your bank to increase credit limit.

  13. i have hdfc debit card…but i cant order with emi facility..

    1. Its only for CreditCard. You can apply online for HDFC credit card.

  14. Ranjith J Avatar
    Ranjith J

    If i buy mob worth 10000/- with 14% in 12 instalments… then the total amount that i have to pay is 10000*0.14+10000 = 11400/-

  15. karthi Avatar

    I bought the dslr camera in Emi so u get the total amount immediate or monthly monthly you get the Emi amount ex 1000

    1. Its monthly.

      1. Heya i m purchase i phone 5s silver

  16. i want to buy xiomi redmi note 4g worthing 9999rs for emi,and the monthly istallment shown there is 485rs.Is it is the actual price i have to give them monthly?

    1. Hello, The price you see 485 is for AXIS Bank credit card 24Months EMI.
      To know exact amount go to http://fkrt.it/C~FFG0NN and click [?] besides month emi.

  17. Jasraj Singh Avatar
    Jasraj Singh

    can i get emi option on debit cum atm card..??

    1. No, its not available

  18. Aishwarya Suresh Avatar
    Aishwarya Suresh

    dont we use debit card

    1. credit card is require.

  19. srinath Avatar

    hello sir…..
    This is my firsttime online purchase,,,,,,
    i have an doubt in emi option…i like buy microsoft mobile 535..
    12 month emi is 765….my account balance is 800..is that possible to buy a mobile or not…
    next doubt
    first time i pay 765.next month flipkart automatically deduct RS 765 in my account or not ?????
    how i pay in every month??

    1. I guess you have Debit card with A/C balance 800rs. for EMI credit card is required.

    2. admin Avatar

      Comment replied

  20. Is a credit card mandatory to avil EMI facility?
    can’t we use net banking to deduct monthly ammounts

    1. Yes, credit card is require.

  21. srinath Avatar

    yes sir am using depit card…..am entered my card number it display an error…..”sorry emi facility is not avaliable for this card”…. i don’t know what is that proble sir..and also am entered another card that also display error…help me sir……

    1. admin Avatar

      EMI Facility not available for debit cards, only for Credit card.

    2. I want to buy IFB washing mach costing 35k through EMI option,I hv a HDFC credit card,how much amount should be there on my card to apply for emi options?

      1. Your credit limit should be 35k or more.

  22. nitin kumar Avatar
    nitin kumar

    i want purchase maicrosoft lumia 535 in emi….how the proses on flipkart….or ho sake to hindi me jawab de dena mere bhai…plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

    1. admin Avatar

      Simple hai.. ye link per dekho process.. http://emi-offers.in/flipkart/how-to-pay-emi-on-flipkart/

  23. Malatesh Avatar

    I want to buy 12k mobile is it possible to buy for emi option use debit card?

  24. Hi ..
    I am trying to get new pc parts so i am getting all of them from flipkart so the total emi for all the product is some around 5500 so how much does my bank account should contain to get all items in emi

    1. admin Avatar

      EMI available for Credit card only . so your credit card should have limit of 5500 Rs. to get EMI

  25. Now my project is Rs 5500 how mush is interest

  26. When my prodecte is give to me sir

    1. admin Avatar

      please connect with flipkart customer care [email protected]

  27. Dear Admin,
    i recently buy AC from flipkart through EMI. The product price is 26k. i selected 9 month emi, n on flipkart shown Single EMI rs.3048/- and bank interest is 13%. and i want to confirm that the bank interest is apply on every single emi or on Total amount ? with interest they show product price is Rs.27,429/-. Now tell me what is my emi for every month ?

    1. admin Avatar

      Your monthly EMI should be 3048Rs

    2. admin Avatar

      Comment replied

  28. chandra Avatar

    hi…… can i use my icici debit card for emi

    1. admin Avatar


  29. deven Avatar

    I have debit card not credit card… please give me option debit card EMI..

    1. admin Avatar

      Sorry I can’t help in this case.

  30. Can’t we use emi option by using a debit card??

    1. Mukul Avatar


  31. Gourab Paul Avatar
    Gourab Paul

    Rs. 45000
    sbi bank 12 months emi!!
    Can u pliz giv me the list of emi

    1. admin Avatar

      Thanks. What are you going to purchase.
      Monthly EMI will be around 3591

  32. DHEERAJ Avatar

    hiii…..i want to buy camera of RS /- 24000 where the EMI is 1065/- what is the initial amount to be paid…….is there any requirement of minimum balace in the account to use the option EMI ???

    1. admin Avatar

      Your credit card limit should be more than 24k Rs. There is no initial amount payment all emi will be same.

  33. Mukul Avatar

    i want to purchse a mobile worth rupees 20,000/- on EMI
    I want to make a downpayment of rs 10,000/- so that it can be easy for me to pay off monthly installments.
    please let me know that can i make this downpayment or not?

    1. admin Avatar

      there is no option for down payment , but you can add amount in your credit card.

    2. admin Avatar

      Comment replied

  34. shravan kumar Avatar
    shravan kumar

    sir can i use sbi atm card

    1. admin Avatar

      EMI facility is not available to Debit Card / ATM card.

      1. can i use bajaj finance card sir ..i have no credit card :3 ?

        1. bajaj finance card is not valid , you need to have credit card.

  35. hi please help i will buy a nokia x2 mobile in flipkart using emi method
    1.when i will get my product
    2.i sellect 12month 1st month 629
    3.2nd month my credit don’t have balance now what do that company
    please help

    1. admin Avatar

      It’s for credit card only

  36. aditya Avatar

    i bought 13k mobile ane choose 12 month emi Of rs.1162 but when i placed the order the whole 13 k debited from my credit card. Help me with that.

    1. admin Avatar

      Your sms notification will show full amount.. And in online statement it will show full amount sometimes. But don’t worry your monthly bill will show 1162. By the way which bank credit card you are using?
      Hope this helps.
      Connect with bank for further clarification.

    2. siddharth Avatar

      Same problem so what should be done . if u have placed the order then let me know what amount was debited from your account number

      1. admin Avatar

        yes, OPT will say full amount .. then it will convert to EMI. comment for update.

        1. made a mobile purchase on sep2 with emi,but doesnt convert it to emi by flipkart till now.what can i do

          1. please connect with your bank which provided credit card. did you get your credit card statement?

      2. admin Avatar

        Call these helpline Number for quick turn around.
        We’re available 24 hours a day.
        (0124) 6150000 or 1800 208 9898

        Need assistance in buying?
        Call our product experts 1800 1080 1800

    3. admin Avatar

      Comment replied

  37. kiran Avatar

    Hi admin…if i buy product of cost 8999….witn emi option through sbi….how much processing fee for 6 months.in flip kart

    1. admin Avatar

      There is no processing fee.. Only interest you have to pay see this post for details. http://emi-offers.in/flipkart/how-to-pay-emi-on-flipkart/

  38. Ayush ritolia Avatar
    Ayush ritolia

    If i Bought a product of Rs. 1000
    and charged 3500*3 ( 3 months emi)
    and i returned the product in the 1st week.
    Will my amount be refunded ??? Nd if how much ?

    1. admin Avatar

      This is really good question.

      Answer depends on your billing cycle, if your billing date is 12th ( 1st emi bill) and your return/refund process on 13th. Then only first interest amount will be charged rest of the amount will be refunded.

      If you process refund before billing date.. Then full amount will be refunded.

      This is my personal experience, please connect with flipkart cs for further assistance. Reply to this comment for update from your side.

      1. Full amount is credited in your account. But ur loan is not foreclosed though. It means if ur next bill is 20 k and suppose flipkart returned full amount of 10k. Then overall u need to pay 10k as bill. This is how it gets adjusted. Don’t worry u r not paying anything extra except the interest and it can be avoided by foreclosing the loan. I have recent experience of it. I ordered k3 and den cancelled the order. U can also get ur refund in flipkart wallet. So next time u can purchase anything which ultimately gets balanced with ur emi.

    2. admin Avatar

      Comment replied

  39. siddharth Avatar

    I have selected 6 emi option on sbi credit card for moto g 2 when i was redirected to merchant site then it was saying total 10999 is to be paid . how is this possible i have selected 1909 ? per month only so i should pay 1909 today ????

    1. admin Avatar

      10999 will be converted to EMi and your first bill will be 1909Rs .. so when your first bill come you have to pay 1909 Rs per month for 6 months

      1. siddharth Avatar

        But on otp bank says you have to pay 10999 so what should i do

    2. admin Avatar

      Comment replied

  40. I want to buy a product of Rs. 32,000. I have figured that I need to pay installments of Rs. 2000 for 18 months. What if I decide to pay rest of the money in 2 months. Do I have an option of doing that?

    1. admin Avatar

      You can select 3 month EMI option. if you want to.

  41. i like to buy i phone 6 in emi option for 24 month.
    what will be my emi amount for each month..
    am using HDFC credit card..

    1. admin Avatar

      Comment replied

  42. Dinesh Avatar

    Hello admin
    I gonna buy a mobile through emi. I have only debit arm card. Can I buy through that is my question !!

    1. admin Avatar

      No sir. EMI options is not available for debit cards.

  43. sathish Avatar

    I have bajaj fin card.. Can buy a product with this card

    1. admin Avatar

      Bajaj fin card not accepted online store.. connect with local stores like reliance digital, Vijay Sales.

  44. Can we pay emi through debit card

    1. admin Avatar


  45. ALOK KUMAR Avatar

    how much amount will be deducted when i cancel a order placed on EMI . I want to cancel this order before delivery…

    1. admin Avatar

      Most probably you will get full refund if you credit card bill is not generated. Connect with Flipkart support for more info http://fkrt.it/aIbrGXNN

    2. admin Avatar

      Comment replied

  46. Sagar Avatar

    sir, i am going to buy a mobile of rs 7000 using my credit card . what is the mode of payment of EMI, when and how should it be payable

    1. admin Avatar

      Please follow instructions at this page http://emi-offers.in/flipkart/how-to-pay-emi-on-flipkart/ and if you have more questions you can log on to http://shopoholic.co

  47. Ashis Avatar

    to avail emi what should be my account balance

    1. admin Avatar

      Credit limit should be more than price of the item in Credit card.
      visit http://shopoholic.co/ to post question to public forum and get answered.

  48. Anand Gautam Avatar
    Anand Gautam

    Dear Admin
    I bought a split AC yesterday from flipkart on 6months EMI from axis credit card @ 12%.
    I’m surprised to see on axis bank on line banking that the interest applicable is 18%?

    This is cheating..

    1. admin Avatar

      Anand, Could you post the link to axis bank where it shows 18%.

    2. admin Avatar

      You can also post questions to new forum http://shopoholic.co/

  49. Anand Gautam Avatar
    Anand Gautam

    Admin please find the link below:

    [link removed]

    the bank is charging 18% not 12% as shown in Flipkarts portal, and also charging a processing fee of rs 398/- vivi a viz free as shown in flipkart.

    Please suggest a solution fast . I should not be suffering.


    Anand Gautam, [number deleted]

    1. admin Avatar

      replied you on mail

  50. kutty Avatar

    Hello admin
    I gonna buy a mobile through emi. I have only debit arm card. Can I buy through that is my question !!

    1. admin Avatar

      Hey, debit card is not valid for emi option

  51. SARATH Avatar

    I want to buy mobile of RS /- 12000 where the EMI is Rs. 3,753 /- what is the initial amount to be paid ???.is there any requirement of minimum balance in the account to use the option EMI ?
    What will be the first amount to be debited from my account if i have placed the order…Is Rs 12k is needed to place the order?

    1. admin Avatar

      Hello Sarath,
      You need to have credit card for EMI

  52. Neha Rabha Avatar
    Neha Rabha

    How to create EMI Account

    1. admin Avatar

      Hello Neha,
      You should have credit card.. Please visit http://shopoholic.co

  53. anant Avatar

    Ll emi option fr debit card holder

    1. There is no emi option for Debit Cards

  54. Mukesh Avatar

    How much money required on the first time installment of emi?
    If i buy a product of rs. 13000

    1. Follow these steps http://emi-offers.in/flipkart/how-to-pay-emi-on-flipkart/ .. You have to pay equal amounts each months

  55. mMukesh Avatar

    Is emi applicable on debit card

  56. arunp7080run Avatar

    I want to order One phone using EMI which will cost 10K, Is there any option for debit card users ??

    1. Hello ,
      You need Credit Card for EMI options.
      visit http://shopoholic.co for more questions.

      1. Ramesh kumar Avatar
        Ramesh kumar

        i want to know that can i avail the offer of cash back on the credit card EMI option??

  57. i buy a mobile phone at Rs.6999 in EMI from icici bank. for what day they take the amount

    1. Hello,

      It will be charge as per your billing cycle.

      visit http://shopoholic.co for more questions.

  58. Rabi Sharma Avatar
    Rabi Sharma

    hi, i want to ask that those who have credit card they only can avail emi option others having debit cards can’t avail emi option. why?

    1. Simple answer is. To avoid fraud. For debit cards if there is EMI option, anybody will buy on EMI then next month withdraw account to nill. To get credit cards you have to provide income proof and other documents..

  59. Hi,
    my credit limit is Rs 50,000.
    can i buy a product which costs Rs 53,000 if i add Rs 3000 to my credit card?? (with emi)

    1. From my opinion this should work. Confirm with your bank who provided credit card.

  60. can u please tell me , why iam seeng a warning box SORRY EMI FACILITY IS NOT AVAILABLE FOR THIS CARD , actually i used SBI debit card

    1. Hello, you should have SBI credit card to avail EMI option.. Visit http://shopoholic.co. For More information.

  61. i want to buy ps4 it cost 40000 i want buy from emi
    first i want pay how mch

    1. Amount will be same for each month

  62. Warmachine Avatar

    I want to buy mobile of RS 9000 where the EMI is Rs. 485 /- what is the initial amount to be paid ???.is there any requirement of minimum balance in the account to use the option EMI ?
    What will be the first amount to be debited from my account if i have placed the order..

    1. Do you have credit card?

      1. jekkyjagadish Avatar

        sir i don’t have credit card if possible to buy on debit card

        1. No. You can go for bajaj Finance or tata capital. To get from local store

  63. arundhati . Avatar
    arundhati .

    i was to buy a fone worth rs.12999 ,i have a bank account…like what will be the emi?

    1. You must have credit card to use emi

  64. Mayank.sharma Avatar

    I want to buy galaxy max worth rupee 11999 and my credit card is blocked at yet so can u tell me how much i have to pay when placing order for 12 months EMI???
    Only the first Emi ammount or the whole product ammount pls make a quick reply.!!

    1. Hello, EMI interest rate also depends on credit card bank. Which bank issued your credit card?

      When you make transaction, first whole amount will deduct and then it will be converted to EMI.

      So your credit card limit should be more than 11999 Rs.

  65. hello sir,
    I wanna BUY S5 Rs.22999 on EMI
    for 12 months its 24800 n each month its 2077
    so my question is Your company will charge 2077 each month upto 12 months right???
    any extra upon this payment???

    1. Your monthly billing should be equal each month. Which includes interest rate..
      Connect with flipkart at [email protected]

  66. Sujith A Avatar
    Sujith A

    Hi sir I want mobile htc 626g for emi option , and my credit card limit only i having 5 only how to i purchase this mobile

    1. You can apply for higher credit limit from bank. If your performance is good in credit card payments

  67. Prashant Avatar

    Please note that the full amount will be charged on your card the day of the transaction. On next billing cycle you pay 1st EMI. ??

    Someone please clarify this statement…..I m pretty confused ….that if full amount will be charged then whats the meaning of EMI ????

    1. Yes.. First full amount will deduct then this amount will be converted to emi. You don’t have to pay full amount, only emi per month

  68. nikhil bisht Avatar
    nikhil bisht

    Dear sir
    I just want to buye HP laptop choose emi option but when I my paying site is ducting total amount what to do….?

  69. Rakul Preet Avatar
    Rakul Preet

    hello Sir…i wanna buy laptop worth rs.20500 via emi. what would be the first installment amount to be paid? please reply sir

  70. Ui Designer Avatar
    Ui Designer

    i have doubt ? i buy Sony Ultra z on flipkart ubder emi option used my SBI Card.. In deliver time Products wrong deliver or Cancel order in myself… Who one to cancel my emi option bank or Flipkart? pls reply …

    1. Flipkart payment gateway will cancel the emi. Please note that if cancelled after first bill of credit card.. You paid interest won’t be refunded.

    2. admin Avatar

      Flipkart will cancel the emi… If your first bill of credit card generated in month then you have to pay interest amount.. Rest amount will be refunded

      1. Ui Designer Avatar
        Ui Designer

        Thanks admin 🙂 Products amount Rs.13,999. i purchased under emi 12 months rs.1,257 the total amount of products is rs.15,074. so i get refund from flipkart rs.13,999 only, the total interest amount Rs.1075 not refunded.

        1. admin Avatar

          No. Nonrefundable amount will be monthly interest not yearly. Do approx 90 rs will be Nonrefundable.. Please connect with [email protected] for confirmation.

      2. Ui Designer Avatar
        Ui Designer

        thank u admin reply 🙂 your reply help to clarify my doubt 🙂 and replied comment what i understand. Is it right? pls reply ..

  71. sreejita Avatar

    I want to buy a phone worth rs 12k., but i have 6k in my bank account., this would be possible to buy this phone ?

    1. Bank account won’t work, you should have credit card with at least 12k credit limit for emi.

  72. Pavan Avatar

    HI… If i wanna buy any product of 14k then how much amount is required in credit card to avail emi

    1. admin Avatar

      Your credit limit should be more than 14000. If limit is less than transaction will be failed

  73. athiya Avatar

    hi i want to purchase a mobile worth 5000.. i am a student n i wanted to by through emi.. to get the order..is it necessary to pay some kind of amount say 2000 in advance?..because i can only arrange 500 per month..i ll credit my emi amount 500 every month to my account.. is it possible ?

    1. admin Avatar

      Hi, I guess you have debit card with bank account… For EMI credit card is required.

  74. saravanan saravanan Avatar
    saravanan saravanan

    Hi can i know whether we can shop with debit card in EMI option?????????????? when we enter into EMI option its asked that whether debit/credit card.

    1. admin Avatar

      No debit card on EMI. Only on credit card

  75. kalai Avatar

    There is a emi option for debit cards for hdfc or other emi option without credit carf

    1. admin Avatar

      You should have HDFC credit card to avail EMI facilities

  76. srikanth Avatar

    Hi i want to purchase a lenovo laptop worth of 30990. Which i select. Hsbc-EMI-12months@2776.. but initially on the first day how much will i be charged? Is that only first month emi@2776..?

    1. admin Avatar

      Your monthly bill will be 2776 for 12 months. First emi you have to pay as per your credit card billing cycle

  77. srikanth Avatar

    If i pay the credit card bill@2776 before the deadline can i get refund?

  78. Nikitha Avatar

    For example i hve 5000 amount on my credit card n my product is 10000,whether i can buy in emi or not

    1. admin Avatar

      Hi, Your current credit limit should be 10000 or more , to buy product on EMI.

  79. how much i paid i 1st cradit card billl..


    1. Follow these steps http://emi-offers.in/flipkart/how-to-pay-emi-on-flipkart/.. Your all emi will be same.

  81. I purchased mobile from flipkart worth rs.7500/- using my hdfc credit card on EMI basis-6 mnths option…Initially on the day of purchase i have been charged with the full amount.. i.e., 7500/- now my doubt is that 1. when i opted for emi i should be charged with the first mnth EMI amount only…. 2. I paid my frist EMI with my first mnth credit card bill. and the amount i paid has been reflected as available balance to use…
    I am unable to understand this EMI process. Can u Plz explain me this….

    1. 1. Charging of full amount will check if you have credit available to purchase. After some days this will be converted to emi.
      Not sure what did you mean by available balance..

  82. swapnil kadam Avatar
    swapnil kadam

    yesterday i choose 2 mobile Rs.19141/- for emi for 24 month basis all prosses are done accpt from last place order button cant press.if there is time like 9am to 9pm like that after that cnt

    1. There is not time limit to place order.. may be item in your card Out of stock. or may be other error

  83. Sorry, EMI facility is not available for this card MINS

    1. Make sure you have credit card

  84. hello, when will i pay 1st month emi,

    1. On your monthly bill payment

  85. vsathish Avatar

    I am unable to see EMI Option in the order section. How do i select EMI option?

    1. Please follow instructions

  86. hi i will purchase for laptop .how do i select EMI option and calculte the amount

    1. Goto laptop section of Flipkart http://fkrt.it/lmmceGNN select the laptop , follow these instructions http://emi-offers.in/flipkart/how-to-pay-emi-on-flipkart/ to get details about EMI for your credit card

  87. Prasenjit Sarkar Avatar
    Prasenjit Sarkar

    I have a axis bank credit card wd limit of 34000. So can I purchase a 30000 rs goods on ist day on emi and 20000 rs goods on 2nd day on emi??
    …thanks in advance. …

    1. If your credit limit is 34000 and you purchase goods worth 30000, then you can only purchase item worth 4000.
      Once you start paying bill of 30000 , your credit will increase.

  88. sumit kumar Avatar
    sumit kumar

    sir i have nt a credit card. i have a master card and visa card. can i buy a mobile phone on emi, tell me

    1. Yes, credit card is required for online emi. You can easily get credit card from leading banks

  89. chishti qamar Avatar
    chishti qamar

    Sir can i get emi on my sbi debit card

    1. You should have credit card for your emi transaction

  90. chishti qamar Avatar
    chishti qamar

    If i buy 10000 mobile it shows me emi 485 rs then fist instolment is 485 or need some down payment

  91. I have bajaj emi card can i buy iphone 6 plus on emi on flipkart

    1. Bajaj EMI card is not valid for online EMI, you can buy local store like CromoRetails , Vijay Sales with Bajaj EMI Cards

  92. hello
    i bought moto g 3 for 13000rs today andi have used the emi option via my bank and may i know how the money get deducted from my account throgh emi, as it shows that the due amount which i had to pay ie 13000 is actually deducted from my credit card account…

    1. Did you choose EMI from Flipkart payment or bank?

      1. same thing happened from my side….i choose emi payment

        1. It will convert to EMI in 3-5 days. So yu have to pay EMI amount only

  93. same question @admin

  94. Hi.
    I want to buy a mobile of rs 35000 through flipkart emi process..I want to know that it showing both credit card/debit card option so can i use debit card..next is it says the full amount will be deducted from ur card what does this mean..y full amount is deducting it should deduct the emi n another ques Is that full amount should b available on my acc or it will put a block upto that amount of rs..though my acc is nill or lesser amount…reply as soon as possible. ..

    1. Follow these steps . See No 4.
      Use credit card only. No EMI for Debit card.

  95. Hai admin
    I have a kotak credit card and my credit is 15k but I’m used 10k my credit card available bal is 5k
    My qus is ..
    I want to buy Moto g 3
    Is it possible on Emi optns

    1. Thanks but your credit limit should be equal or more than price of moto g 3.

      So if your credit limit is 5k, emi won’t be available unless you clear all payments use (10k)

  96. admin vry imp doubt………..i hav axis bank credit card….nd m going to buy moto g 3rd gen which is 12999/-…..nd iam intrstd to pay in emi scheme……for 12 months…which is exactly 1162/-………if i pay through emi my transaction cost total 12999/- or 1162/-………confused bcoz flipkart saying on day transaction is total cost of gadget and said it will refund with in 7 days….i dnt knw…..anothr doubt if my first transaction is 1162/- and from next month it will auto deduct from my account or i hav to pay monthly…..say me first as possible…….plz say me detailly about dis….dnt giv me any link…thats bull shit

    1. I would love to give answer, but last line of your comment stopped me!

    2. 1. When you through EMI process, you will get SMS for full amount like 12999. To make sure you have available credit of 12999.
      2. Once the transaction completed the amount 12999 will be converted to Emi of 1162. So you will only see 1162 in your bill not 12999.
      3. All 12 months bill will be same if 1162. If you have selected auto-debit from credit card amount will be paid every month automatically. If there is no-debit in your credit card then you have to pay monthly manually.

  97. Sry….admin….plz…giv..me….valid information as possible……..

  98. krishna Avatar

    Admin….i apologize….?…..give me valuable information as fast as possible

  99. dayakar bolloju Avatar
    dayakar bolloju

    Dear SIr,
    Yesterday I purchased a refrigerator on flipkart and payment was done using SBI card through 12 EMIs.
    But the total amount is reflecting in my online SBICard account.
    Does it take for you 3-4 days for converting the total amount to EMIs???
    I am confused because i cant pay the whole amount at a time. ..and if EMI is not possible I will have to cancel my order. Please help me out ..

    Order no. OD003537887301677300.

    1. I guess you have used SBI credit card and selected 12 EMI. If this is the case then yes full amount will convert to EMI in a week.

  100. lalit sharma Avatar
    lalit sharma


    1. Could you please share the link of mobile phone

  101. in flip kart debit card emi is avaliable

    1. y no replay

  102. Afroz khan Avatar
    Afroz khan

    Bought moto g 3rd gen worth Rs 12999 on SBI credit card EMI offer (9 months), got instant cashback discount of Rs 1300, please tell me what is my emi for every month?

  103. sir but in online debit card emi is on flipkart is show y

    1. Could you please share the screenshot?

  104. Hey Admin !

    I brought a product worth 5K via EMI (axis bank credit card). While transaction it charged the full amount which is 5k instead of monthly EMI amount which is 1.5K.

    Will the remaining money get credited again to my card or the whole amount will convert to EMi while paying ?

    Please explain in detail
    Thanks a lot in advance 🙂

    1. Yes, Full amount will be credited back, but not visible on statement. You only have to pay EMI .

  105. I am a college students how can I buy product through emi

    1. Use credit card

  106. i have no credit card. how can i buy a mobile using emi option

  107. if i choose emi option then would i get the mobile instantly or after the full emi’s are payed , and also tell me what about the full charge on the card you wrote in step 4

    1. After payment confirmed, then seller will ship the mobile. So you don’t have to wait for emi being paid.
      About full charge.. First payment gateway from Flipkart will deduct full amount then it will be converted to emi. So you have to pay only monthly emi payment.

  108. how many bailance requied for a 6000 mobile for emi?

    1. You credit card limit should be more than 6000

  109. Mariyam alvi Avatar
    Mariyam alvi

    Can i get my phone after paying the first month emi

    1. Once your payment is confirmed, and seller will ship the Mobile. Even the first emi bill is not generated you will get item.

  110. akkkkkk Avatar

    i wanna buy a product of 15k by EMI ..! how much balance should i hav in my credit card to buy that product

    1. Your credit limit should be 15000 or more.

  111. Aditya Singh Avatar
    Aditya Singh

    Can i buy using debit card?

    1. Nope!

  112. emi on sbi debit card

  113. EMI on debit card was possible

  114. Abhijeet Avatar

    Hi, can i buy two phones in 1 day from same credit card???

    1. Yes, Make sure your credit limit is more than or equal to prices of both phone .
      Phone 1 = 5000 + Phone 2 10000 , so your credit limit should be 15000+

  115. hussain Avatar

    hi i want lenovo k3 note and i want on emi and i am purchasing from my pocket money and i dont have any bank account so what should i do?

    1. There is no option. But try to use your friend’s family credit card and you can give them cash every month.

  116. srinadh Avatar

    Dear team I bought mobile of 10k every month I have emi of 900 odd if I want to pay total amount at any point is possible if yes what is procedure ?

    1. Yes, you can pay credit card payment more.. Like if your bill is 900 Rs then you can pay 2000 .. so you will have credit of 1100. Hope you got my point

  117. PHANIKUMAR Avatar

    I have a bajaj finance emi card can I purchase online

    1. Nope! You can try local store with Bajaj EMI card

  118. vyomvvermavyom Avatar

    i have purchased an item for 10000 and have 12 months EMI with SBI, ur site does not let me choose EMI option next time, it there an issue or you would not let me do that?

    1. Sorry didn’t get your point.

      Connect with flipkart customer care [email protected]

      1. Roycarlson Avatar

        i have purchased an item for 10000 and have 12 months EMI with citi till now i have payed for 5 months emi and now i want to pay the remaining amount in a single payment, how to proceed?

        1. While playing select custom amount instead of bill amount. For example Once you add 5000 and your emi is 1000, then you will have 4000 in credit.. So next time bill will be zero for four month. Still i would suggest to confirm with citi bank

  119. Abhishek Raghav Avatar
    Abhishek Raghav

    Hi Team,
    I made purchase of iphone 6 using Axis credit card and selecting 12 months EMI. Now I have spoken to the Flipkart people and they say that the request fro 12 months EMI is confirmed but the Axis Bank is denying this. The Axis Bnak is saying I am required to convert it from Axis bnak side and have to pay them the processing fees. Flipkart, please confirm what is happening? Do I need to pay them the processing fees ?

    1. When did you purchased the item?

      1. Abhishek Raghav Avatar
        Abhishek Raghav

        I purchased the item on 14th August.

    2. It should automatically convert to Emi in 7-10 days. Please check your unbilled transaction or online statement. Is it converted?

      This website only provide information about emi from different online shops. For flipkart customer care connect with [email protected]

      1. Abhishek Raghav Avatar
        Abhishek Raghav

        I have received this months credit card statement and its charging the whole amount and not the EMI for the month.

  120. Can i use rupay card for emi….

    1. You should have credit card.. It may be rupay card

  121. I have pmjdy account in hdfc,they give me a rupay debit card.
    Is i am eligible for emi…..

  122. Hi,

    What is the procedure to close the emi options? i have purchased a phone two months back thru my credit card in emi options and ow i have sufficient funds to close this. Cud you please let me know the process?

    1. There is no formal way to close EMI. You can add remaining amount to your credit card. So your monthly bill be 0.

  123. almohdbilaljafsha Avatar

    sir i want one mobile sir. moto e2 third generation emi 1st amount what..? and sbi debit accepted possible

  124. i have a axis bank acc ,when i hit the emi option ,it says my acc does not support this what does this mean?

  125. there is any option with union bank of india

    1. Currently no option for UBI credit card. Ask your banker if they provide EMI conversion for large transactions?

  126. indramani Avatar

    is there emi option for bajaj finserv card?

  127. hi..
    if im buying a 12,000 phone and i select emi option with sbi credit card with 12 months emi.
    then at the time of product transaction it shows transaction of 12k will be done against the card.. and my credit card limits in 10,000 only..but the payment proceeds upto otp pin entry..so after transaction of 12k do my credit card will show full limit has been used?? with emi option
    thank you admin reply as soon as possible

  128. EMI is possible on debit card

  129. adithya Avatar

    Is there Emi for sbm or corporation credit card in flipkart , snapdeal or amazon

  130. Harsh Sharma Avatar
    Harsh Sharma

    I don’t have credit card
    So can I have any other emi options

  131. i m a new customer of flipkart and i have bought a asus zenfone selfie on emi of hdfc credit card. but i want to return dis phone and buy a samsung galaxy j7 from flipkart.. so plz tell me what is the process of refund to my hdfc bank credit card.. and return process..

    1. If you purchased recently
      If your phone is not delivered, You can cancel order by going to Order Details page and once canceled you will get refund in your credit card within 4-7 days.

      1. but if i phone delivered than???

        1. my emi is 1429/- how how much amount flipkart refund to bank..

          1. Not sure if Flipkart will provide return , may be they can provide Exchange.

            Talk to CC, if they would be helpful.

            And for refund amount , you will get refund minus the Interest paid. As per in TnC

  132. rohan verma Avatar
    rohan verma

    Dear admin, I have a credit card with a limit of 10000/-, can I avail a product online whose price is Rs 50000/-? The emi of that product is Rs 4900/- p.m. for 12 months period.

    1. Your credit limit should be 50k, to buy that product.

  133. mahinder singh Avatar
    mahinder singh

    i have no pan number my bank bank of Boroda so tall me esy way emi any tv led

  134. If any minimim balance want to maintain in account for purchase.????

  135. Jitender Avatar

    i want to buy 30000 mobile and i have credit limit of 15000 is it possible to buy in emi

  136. Want to buy lenevo y50 notebook from flipkart it is around 85k while payment through emi sbi card how much I need to pay (interest)

  137. Can i use online shopping for Bajaj Finserv EMI card

    1. Bajaj EMI card is not valid for online EMI as of now.

  138. bank of maharastra debit card emi soping

  139. Q1 – I am buying an item via EMI,after some point of time, If I want to stop the EMI option and pay the balance amount, what could be the procedure?

    Q2 – Should I able to repay the EMI using different credit card

    Please help me out.

    1. Which credit card are you using?
      In Standard Chartered card , there are two accounts one is credit card and other is EMI card.

      You can add custom amount in emi card. If you pending emi is 6000, you can add 6000 credit to your account.

      1. Hdfc. Does that possible through all credit cards?

        1. Yes, I guess. try for payment.

  140. how to dedecut emi in my account automtically ?

  141. I wan to buy mackbook pro worth rs 54000. So can i get it on emi via using my debit card. Is there are options rather than credit card to buy it.

  142. Nagaraju Avatar

    Hi, I bought sony 32″ TV in EMI option. But i got a sms from bank with total amount as bill. What should i do

    1. At first they will deduct amount,
      then it will be converted to EMI .

      You can confirm with flipkart.

  143. Can i use online shopping for union bank EMI card is avilable

  144. is emi option for net banking or debit card on flipkart

    1. Currently only credit card

  145. Soumyadip Avatar

    “4.Please note that the full amount will be charged on your card the day of the transaction. On next billing cycle you pay 1st EMI.”

    I bought a TV and Full amount is charged, but i have selected 12 Months EMI.Then what is use of choose EMI option?? Please explain it.

  146. Hi I have bajaj emi card how can I use in flip kart site..plz tell me

    1. Bajaj EMI card is not valid for online EMI on flipkart.

  147. Krishna rc Avatar
    Krishna rc

    If i dont have credit card i have ATM card can i use that also

  148. Abhishek kumar Avatar
    Abhishek kumar

    Emi was available for 24 monts in buying of lumia 535

  149. Madhavi upputuri Avatar
    Madhavi upputuri

    Hi,i want to buy two mobiles for online EMI on flipkart which has different prices.for example 9000rs and 5000 rs worth.how is the EMI applied for this products.individually or for total the Amount i.e for 14000rs.?

    1. You can checkout two times with same credit card or in single checkout buy both the items in EMI.

  150. Sir can i buy in bajaj emi card because i dont have credit card.

  151. shahnawaz Avatar

    I didnt understand that if we select EMI option on a order thean will they take our amount in the account at once or after we pay EMI on that card monthly

    1. yes. Full amount will be reverse.

  152. venkatsaibogaai Avatar

    I dont understand this emi option correctly..I have choosen the emi option and after placing the order it has taken the full amount from my credit card so what is the use of paying me by emi.Now for the bank i should pay the full amount right…Explain it clearly please.

  153. Sachin purohit Avatar
    Sachin purohit

    Is there any option for bajaj finserv emi card

  154. salman ahmed Avatar
    salman ahmed

    sir i just got a credit card recently and i have a 2000 blnce..
    i want to buy a mobile of 23000 inr and emi is 1134 ..can i make the purchase?

  155. stella vijaya Avatar
    stella vijaya

    hi, i chosen a 15k mobile and credit card option and monthly payment of some amount. what should be the initial payment in my credit card so that i can go on with process.please answer me

    1. No initial payment required.
      You have to your monthly bill of EMI as per your Credit card billing cycle.

  156. hello,
    my question is i want purchase mobile online in emi option..
    is required full amount at time of buying?

    how to process for this can u tell me in detail …

    1. First you need Credit Card with Limit is more than the price of product.
      Debit card or ATM card wont work thanks.

      1. yes i have a credit card… but after buying product can i use remaining amount instead of emi… suppose take mobile of 7000 and emi whatever like 800… then block 7000 and they cut emi monthly 800… but in that amount can i use another 6000 or whatever amount…

  157. anoop vn Avatar
    anoop vn

    can i use SBT credit card instead of SBI credit card in EMI?

  158. rakesh choudhary Avatar
    rakesh choudhary

    God is every wear

  159. Hi I, wants to know that if my card limit is 25k and bought goods for rs 12k of EMI for 6 month giving 2000+interest.is only I have to pay 2000+some interest or have to pay more . And one thing if I pay more than 2k+interest like 3k or 4k then it vl be fine normal going or not.

    1. You can check your monthly emi on checkout page. It will include interest.

      Pre paying emi wont work, you have to pay interest sooner or later.

      1. Kuldeep Kr Avatar
        Kuldeep Kr

        Mr admin….. For purchasing a mobile of Rs 17999, Flipkart is showing 6 months emi amount as 18650(approx), Is service tax or any other interest rate is applicable on this amount?

        1. There may be service tax… Which may be very low… About 25rs.. Something…. Check with your bank

  160. VIPIN V KARTHA Avatar

    I bought 2 phones from flipkart using credit card emi. Both were placed under one order. One phone was returned and refund for that phone is credited to my credit card account. How will it affect my emi?

  161. Sidharth Avatar

    hi thr

    recently icici and axis banks have released debit card emi purchse has flipkart been updated in this??

    1. Don’t have any information about debit card emi. It’s only available on credit cards

  162. I have an account in SBI but not have credit card so can I purchased new phone on monthly EMI??? please reply me sir..

    1. Hello,

      Credit card is required for EMI options, you can easily get HDFC credit card.
      Try it.

      1. thnk u sir

  163. i want to purchase a mobile by emi costly 10000
    but my account balance is 4000(sbi)
    but the card is not accepted
    what is the problem
    can u help me

    i think they want more deposit
    or other problem

    i totaly confused

    1. I guess you are using Debit Card. Only credit card is available for EMI.

  164. how to by this product in EMI I’ll confused
    2 time getting out this proses

    1. Hello ,

      Which process you are following?

  165. Mohd zakir choudhary Avatar
    Mohd zakir choudhary

    I want to pay intallment by cash because i dont have a bank account

    1. Thanks, You need to have credit card for EMI. Cash is not valid.

  166. I’ve always purchased through flipkart via my AMERICAN EXPRESS Credit Card as most of my purchases exceed 10-20K. Last purchase I made was in the month of January. On 21-02-16, I tried buying a product worth 15K or so and there was no option for EMI via AMERICAN EXPRESS Credit Card. There is no repsonse from flipkart customer care. I’ve tried several products and several websites. No EMI option for AMEX Credit Card which was there until last month.

  167. sai sarendra Avatar
    sai sarendra

    suppose i want to buy 7999 mobile by emi and how much of amount will required in my creditcard on that time when im select to buying through emi,in fact after i deposit the money in creditcard but how much of amount required when im buying?

  168. m.sampathkumar Avatar

    Syndicate bank available on flipkart

    1. For EMI options it may not available, please check checkout page or go to this http://emi-offers.in/wp-admin/post.php?post=75&action=edit

  169. Dixit Patel Avatar
    Dixit Patel

    I have bought a phone from flipkart for 10999 on EMI of Axis Bank credit card. Now I want to return the phone. I think flipkart will return whole amount to the bank. But what will happen to the emi scheme provided by bank. Will bank cancel my emi scheme ? If yes will bank charge me anything for cancellation?

    1. Hello,

      Full amount is refundable , but interest rate charged by bank is not refundable .

      So, if your 1st emi already generated you have to bear charges of interest rate , it may be very low.

  170. dharuma Avatar

    Sbi silver card has emi option

  171. dharuma Avatar

    Sbi platinum card has emi option

  172. is there any option for debit card emi ?

    1. No EMI for Debit cards, thanks

  173. Hello admin .I’m rishi I want to buy an iPhone 6s which is costing around 44,000/-.

    I want to purchase it through my credit card and my credit limit is 35k only . is it possible to purchase iPhone 6s ???

    1. YOu can try Gift card + EMI options .. as your credit limit is less.

      1. I’m asking is it possible for me to purchase even if my credit card limit is less ?

        Will it ask any down payment ??

        Or can I buy it from retail stores without down payment ??

        1. If your credit limit is less. They you can try Gift Card Method

  174. Nitin tyagi Avatar
    Nitin tyagi

    tnitin021@gmail. com

  175. Is EMI option available for debit cards now?

  176. Sheikh aslam Avatar
    Sheikh aslam

    Respected sir I am new customer and I have tablet in sbi emi

  177. monti Avatar

    when i buy a item on emi what i charge first month

    1. admin Avatar

      As per your billing cycle of your credit card.

  178. shafeeknellymala Avatar

    sir emi details kerala

  179. Nilesh balu sable Avatar
    Nilesh balu sable

    My bank is union bank of india.How to purchess phone by emi

  180. Can I use bajaj financer emi card to shop mobile phone in emi With flipkar or amazon?

    1. Prabhujit Dhal Avatar
      Prabhujit Dhal

      Same problem you and me.He saying that some products and some sellers available only on flipkart

  181. Prabhujit Dhal Avatar
    Prabhujit Dhal

    Can I purchase products through my Bajaj EMI card

  182. Prabhujit Dhal Avatar
    Prabhujit Dhal

    Sir I am trying to purchase product on flipkart through bajaj EMI card but the payment options not showing me for bajaj EMI.what is process.How I can get it

    1. admin Avatar

      Only some products available for Bajaj EMI card.

  183. Aries Avatar


    Was looking to buy galaxy s7 using my Bajaj Finserv Card thru EMI.

    Could find “?No Cost EMI? on Bajaj Finserv Card below the listed price of the item on the product page”.

    Pl advise.

    1. admin Avatar

      Only this product currently available for Bajaj EMI

  184. bismudeen Avatar

    I am using to iob bank accound this accound available for EMI

  185. i have hdfc creadit card in that i have balance 2000 in creadit card…. i want to purchase mobile of 7000k so its possible me to purchase mobile with EMI option.
    or else i need to have balace all 7000k in my creadit card pls answer me sir

    1. YOu can use downpayment method using Gift Card.

  186. Ismail Avatar

    I want lounfor emi card

  187. Himanshu shakywar Avatar
    Himanshu shakywar

    Hello sir my name is Himanshu
    and i plan to buy a laptop worth rs 30000
    so can i use Bajaj Finserv EMI Card …
    If i am Eligible then what will be the interest rate for 3 month..

    1. Bajaj EMI is applicable on selected products.

  188. shehin Avatar

    do i need have money in my credit card during transaction

  189. shehin Avatar

    do i need to have any cash in my credit card during the transaction

  190. Mohsin shaikh Avatar
    Mohsin shaikh

    By mistake i have select the only credit card option not the emi option so can i convert my one time payment into emi? Plz. Ans.

    1. You can cancel order and re-order using your EMI options

  191. NITIN M Avatar

    if i want to purchase new mobile RS. 16000/-and want to choose emi. is it required to use only credit card or any other options are also available for it. as I have no credit card.can I able to get benefit of emi option.rply immediately.

    1. Only credit card EMI and some product have Bajaj Finance Card .

  192. Sachin Avatar

    if suppose we buy a product for 10k and evry month we need to pay 2k ammount to the bank in EMI !! then do we need to hav only 2k ammount in d bank for EMI eligibility??

    1. YOu need to have credit card with limit of 10k or more.

  193. jayesh l welkar Avatar
    jayesh l welkar

    i dot have credit card but i want to purches mobile so how can parches mobile in EMI option please suggest me is there any bajaj fiance facility for purches.

  194. Shrikant More Avatar
    Shrikant More

    I want to buy smart phone that is Samsung J 5 on EMI …online by using Flipkart mobile application but I dont Have Credit Card…I have ICICI bank account,I mobile application and also Pockets mobile application by ICICI Bank….pls help can I buy this on EMI option…

    1. admin Avatar

      Only available for Credit Card.

  195. Swarup Avatar

    HI FlipKart, I was buying an laptop but got a question in my mind and holds the process. Lets say i use emi option with my credit card for one laptop about 50K. Now suddenly the delivery fails due to unavailability of mine or any reason I cancelled the oder. What will happen? Will it count the actual delivery date as EMI startup date? Waiting for your feedback. After this, i could buy such amount of laptop from online.

    1. admin Avatar

      EMI date will be as per your Credit Card Billing.

  196. Arvind Avatar

    Just wanted to know if its possible to get a ps4 in EMI… and does it appy tp the whole cart of items ex: ps4 with controller and a game disc

  197. gourav sharma Avatar
    gourav sharma

    Letv phone monthly emi

  198. vishnupriya Avatar

    hello sir i think to buy fridge using my sbi debit card but i cant buy. what should i do. please help me

    1. only credit card

  199. It is good for other people because some have no money to.a cash it,is,good option ,others peoples

  200. I,have bajaj ,emi,card we have ,buy,it,what can bo,for it,

    1. only available for selected products

  201. Sbi offers emi on debit card how can i use it

  202. sharowar Avatar

    admin what is the eligibility for EMI,i want to buy a camcorder using sbi credit card,can i buy this product with the help of EMI option.And what would be the eligibility or process.reply as soon as posible.

    1. your credit limit should be more than product price

  203. mantu sahu Avatar
    mantu sahu

    I want to buy a laptop through emi…how to get this product.

  204. Saumit Adhikari Avatar
    Saumit Adhikari

    I have purchased a product of Rs.20,000
    My card limit is Rs.50,000
    At the time of transaction the it will deduct Rs.20,000 and Remaining OUTSTANDING Balance will be Rs.30,000
    Now, for example I have chosen a EMI of say 6 Months i.e. Rs.3,333.33 (3,334 Round Off) ignore the Interest part just for understanding.
    So, my question is after it gets converted to EMI, then what will happen to my Outstanding balance i.e., whether it will stucked on Rs.30,000 or it will be increased to Rs.30,000+(20,000-3,334)=Rs.46,666??
    How the Outstanding balance will work, whether it will remain there till the full payment or it will increase as the monthly EMI paid.

    Please help, I’m Really confused.
    Do reply as soon as possible

    1. It should increase your credit every month. Also confirm with the bank who issued your credit card.

  205. Chennakeshava Avatar

    I have corporation bank credit card. Can I apply for EMI option with this card while purchase?

  206. I want to buy galaxy s7 edge as emi for 12 month how much i want to pay please give details

  207. Vaishan Avatar

    Sir2days back I purched galaxy j5 on hdfc debit card on emi ..now I want to return mobile ,way r there procedures

    1. You can cancel order from your Order History if not already delivered.

  208. Pjkalal Avatar

    Bob bank credit card emi shopping options

  209. Udhayakumar Avatar

    July 19, 2016 Reply
    i have no cridid card on net banking

  210. Udhayakumar Avatar

    i have no cridid card on net banking

  211. Awadhesh Kumar Avatar
    Awadhesh Kumar

    i want to purchase a new mobile on emi but i do not have credit card or debit card that mentioned bank name, please advise process.

  212. Koi option hoga

  213. I am not having credit card it has any possible to get any phn on Emi ? 10k

  214. Can buy with Debit card EMI

    1. Thanks Kushul. Now only credit card and Bajaj EMI card are accepted for EMI.

  215. Srabani Sadhukhan Avatar
    Srabani Sadhukhan

    I have no credit card for EMI. I want to buy asus laptop of rupees Between 20000.how can I buy it by online EMI through SBI.

    1. Try using Bajaj EMI Card

  216. I have no credit card so can purchased a phone on emi

    1. Available only on selected products

  217. jasvinder kumar Avatar
    jasvinder kumar

    sir i want to bay a mobile on emi under 12000

  218. my monthly payment 1000.. If my credit hard have suppose 5000. What happened that time .company debit all money or only 1000 rupee

  219. Satyadeep Das Avatar
    Satyadeep Das

    Bought a laptop for 55k from SBI Credit Card under No Cost EMI. Nw the full amount is blocked frm my card instead of the installment amount which was 6700/-.
    Unable to understand please someone explain.

    1. Yes thats how EMI works.
      Your credit limit will decrease by 55k. Once you start paying your EMI of 6700 it will increase month by month

      1. Satyadeep Das Avatar
        Satyadeep Das

        I’ll have to pay 6700 myself! It wont work automatically!

  220. Mujhe samsum galexy j5 lena iska mujhe satrting m kitna amount jama karna h or uski staolment kitni aaengi bata do

  221. i have a corporation bank card and i want to purchase an iphone7 on emi please help

  222. Mahendra Avatar

    Hello sir, i want to buy a laptop in 24 emi @int. 15% from hdfc card.suppose its price is 30000.then total price is 30000+4500=34500.34500/24=rs1437.5. So my emi is rs.1437/-
    So how much amount will be deduct on first transction.

    1. Your first month bill should be 1437 Rs.

  223. shaikh zeeshan Avatar
    shaikh zeeshan

    Hi if I buy red me mi note 3 on Emi option for 12 months and it is written that you need to pay 1078rs every months so after 12 months is there any charge will be charged to me or that’s it i need to pay plzz rply

    1. EMI amount includes charges

  224. Is there emi option for icici recurring deposits linked with debit card

  225. Is there emi option for icici recurring deposits linked with debit card?

  226. hie ma bank balc is 10000 I want a product of 15000 can I get on emi ….or if I hv 20000 balance n I get the product of 15000 ..then before clearing the emi can I withdraw 10000 ….sir pliz ans fast

    1. you need to have credit card. normal account and debit card won’t work

  227. priya ravikumar Avatar
    priya ravikumar

    I Have A Purchased RS 6000 to 7000 in EMI?

  228. Can i take my product on first emi installment

    1. Did not get. what you are asking?

  229. Jaspreet singh Avatar
    Jaspreet singh

    Comment: i want to buy redmi note 4 of 32gb which cost 11000
    i want to buy it in 24 months EMI option
    i am having a credit card of kotak bank
    so is it require that i should have a balance of Rs.13k or more
    i want to buy it in a manner that every month i will go to bank and deposit 600Rs. every to the bank
    is it possible , plzzzz dont recomend a site for this plzzz sir

    1. Your credit limit should be total price of the phone with interest. You have to pay your credit card bill every month . For more details contact your bank which provided credit card

  230. Jaspreet singh Avatar
    Jaspreet singh

    Comment:my phone number is 9811300816

  231. Jaspreet singh Avatar
    Jaspreet singh

    Comment:my phone number is 9811300816
    plz sir reply soon

  232. anjali kharb Avatar
    anjali kharb

    i want to by a panasonic eluge ray max
    on EMI plane under
    axis bank 24 month . how much i have to pay at frist time

  233. shiv yadav Avatar
    shiv yadav

    1st emi payment kitna krna hoga

  234. Pramod soni Avatar
    Pramod soni

    Ham ko honor 9 lite 32 GB Ka Lena hi 1st Emi payment kitna hoga our EMI 12 manth Ka Kitna Hoga 7XXXXXXXX5

    1. Hello Pramod, Aap yah link per http://emi-offers.in/electronics/mobiles/honor-9i/ check kar sakte ho

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